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By Books & Reading, Life & Style, Travel No Comments

Author, book fiend, self-professed shopaholic, former London PR man, and avid traveller James Dunn has visited almost every country in the world and has acquired quite the eclectic mix of items on the way. Today, he’s adding to his vast collection and chatting to us about what inspired his We Are Not A Shop picks.

Jim (can we call you that?), we’re so glad you could join us today. Let’s dive right in. Could you tell us a bit about your favourite We Are Not A Shop selections?

Firstly, yes you can (most people do!). As for the items I selected from the online store, the first thing that caught my eye was this bully beef can opener. It’s just so unique. Truth be told, I don’t open many cans on a day-to-day basis, but at least now (should the need arise) I’ve got a unique and functional can opener to do the job for me.

One thing you should know about me is that I absolutely love books. I think I must own close to a thousand at this point – it’s verging on ridiculous. Still, I couldn’t resist these hardbacks when I saw them on your website.

I had to grab In and Out of Africa because Out of Africa is one of my absolute favourite films. And I also have many fond memories of visiting the continent. As for the signed copy of Anne De Courcy’s book, I happen to know Anne personally, so you could say that I’m supporting a friend by purchasing it.

Over the years my partner and I have had the pleasure of travelling quite a bit, so I instantly gravitate towards anything travel-related, hence why I chose this one. Then, this Antique French Pediment would look gorgeous with some curtains attached to it. I can picture it hanging in my home already.

I’m also a bit of art collector. I don’t collect very expensive art mind you; I just like to support artists. That’s why I picked up this Richard England book. It’s got a lovely selection of pictures and sketches, and it’s signed too.

This map of Malta was another obvious choice. Whenever my partner and I (who have been together for over 54 years might I add, and he deserves a medal) buy a new home overseas, we always like to have a map of the country on display. It just adds a personal touch. Here in Malta, we live in the Three Cities – my favourite spot on the island. It’s extremely up-and-coming and is quite the gay haven. Bet you didn’t know that!

Finally, I thought this urn was truly magnificent. The detail is spectacular, and I love the Hong Kong influence. I travelled to and worked a lot in Hong Kong in the 80s, we had a number of tourism PR accounts there.

That’s quite the selection Jim! Now, what will you be doing with your items?

Well, I’d love to put this urn in my drawing room, but I just don’t have the space! All the books will have a home on my bookshelves, though.

What would you say was your most surprising selection?

Certainly, the bully beef can opener. It instantly grabbed my attention. As far as books go though, I was quite surprised by The Cheetah’s Tale. Reason being, I’ve met the princess a few times (through my work with the Oxford Literary Festival) and I never knew she had written anything of this style before – her work is typically more fictional.

Did you have a favourite section of the website?

That’s a no brainer, the book section of course.

We should have guessed! And what do you like about the We Are Not A Shop concept?

Well, I love the fact that there is such a variety of items available that cater to so many different collectors. Whoever came up with the idea deserves a pat on the back – it’s brilliant. The only thing you don’t sell is food, but never say never I suppose. It’s really got everything.

Well, on that note, Jim, watch this space. How would you describe We Are Not A Shop to someone who doesn’t know about it?

As one of greatest online sources for gifts around. I often recommend it to people!

Finally, will we be seeing you again?

Well, I hope so! I’ll certainly be skimming the website on the regular that’s for sure.


By Food for thought, Life & Style, Travel, Uncategorised No Comments

Radio host, actress and content creator, Taryn Mamo Cefai, has been busy turning her new house into a home over the past few months. Today, she’s sitting down with us to chat about all her favourite We Are Not A Shop pieces. Read on to discover what she selected from our online store.

Taryn, we’re so glad you could join us. Could you tell us what inspired your selection of pieces today?

Thank you for having me. I chose things that represented different sides of my personality. To start things off, I went with these two mugs. This one because it has a sheep on it (and I love sheep), and the other one purely because it made me laugh. I also collect mugs on my travels, so they’ll fit right in with the rest of my collection.

These gold hoops are gorgeous, too. I’m obsessed – I don’t think I’ve ever come across a pair of hoops I didn’t like…

Then, I can really picture these three cushions in my new living room. I chose this one because it’s a fun representation of Malta (I’m Maltese and proud!). Then, this one because it’s the perfect pop of colour to brighten up my interior. And finally, I picked this zebra cushion because it will look great with the other African touches I’m planning to incorporate into my living area. The cushions all complement each other nicely, too, so I’m looking forward to seeing them together.

I also selected this travel book because  I am quite the avid traveller – you can never travel enough, if you ask me. It’s my therapy; where I let loose, meet new people, and experience new things. More importantly, it helps me keep everything in perspective.

Lastly, this necklace is such a unique collectors’ item, I couldn’t resist.

Great picks, Taryn. Did you pick any of them with someone specific in mind?

I guess I picked out this mug with all my single friends in mind…

Now, we know this is a tough question, but do you have a favourite item?

That is a tough one! It’s a tie between the mug and the travel book. I drink tea about eight times a day, so the mug will definitely come in handy. While the book is something I can see myself flicking through fairly often. I’ll have to go with both, don’t make me choose one!

How would you describe We Are Not A Shop to someone who doesn’t know about it?

An online store with a difference.

Now, what do you like about the We Are Not A Shop concept?

It’s a fantastic concept. If you’re going to buy a gift for someone this Christmas, you might as well donate to a worthy cause at the same time! It’s a great thing that We Are Not a Shop are doing.

Finally, would you recommend We Are Not A Shop to a friend?


Check out Taryn’s travels and home renovations over on her Instagram @tarynmamocefai.


By Books & Reading, Fashion, Life & Style, Travel No Comments

Wanderlust: a strong longing for or impulse toward wandering; the wish to travel far away and to many different places.

Travellers might have even more of a reason to want to hop on a plane this year and go off into a foreign wilderness after recent pandemic-related events. We can already imagine their fingers itching to press that ‘Book Tickets’ tab online and await the sweet escape.

If you were a lover of travel before everything got locked down, you’re probably dying to experience the local scenery of a country other than your own. To get you in the adventurous mood, here are some of the benefits of travelling!


Of course, when you’re travelling, you might be doing a lot of walking, perhaps far more than when you’re stuck in your own country at an office job. It’ll be tiring exercise, but worth it for your physical health in the long term, as studies have shown that travel can help reduce things like heart disease. Some fresh air and sunshine will also do a world of good.

This will have positive effects on your mental health, too. Taking a break from your life and escaping for a while is known to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression, and can help you disconnect, relax, rejuvenate, and reset from daily life.


Admittedly, the internet has helped to make a lot of things easily available for everyone around the globe; we can share anything in a matter of seconds through social media. But that’s no alternative to actually being there. Sure, learning things through books and videos has its advantages, and you can certainly build up quite a database of information like that, but seeing a work of art in a museum as opposed to a book, or getting to walk through forests and mountains rather than just seeing them in documentaries, are vastly different experiences.


As with the previous point, there are certain things you’ll only be able to learn about and absorb in person. When it comes to a culture that’s different to yours, experiencing it first-hand can be infinitely mind-opening. You’ll be exposed to totally new things that’ll broaden your perspective on life. By building a tolerance for uncertainty, you’ll learn to just go with the flow and treat every day like it’s your last, living completely in the present.

As you can imagine, this will help you transform into a more interesting person with loads of great stories to tell about the delicacies you’ve tried, the languages you’ve learned, and the solid friendships and relationships you’ve built along the way. All of this will contribute to making your senses sharper and your mind more creative, and will also look attractive on a resume!


Apart from the obvious advantages of travelling alone, such as getting to follow your own route and schedule, and avoiding pesky arguments about where to go and what to see, more than anything, it’ll help you learn to be more comfortable with your own company. This is something that an over-stimulated technological society has trouble with; we can rarely ever shut down and ‘do nothing’, away from mobiles and other such activities.

Learning to be alone and relying totally on yourself can be an extremely liberating feeling, providing a great, though often scary, opportunity for introspection and reflection. Getting out of your comfort zone can be difficult, but the rewards are endless.


Perhaps the whole point of travelling is that you’re opening yourself up to the world and saying: “Give me everything you’ve got.” While this isn’t to say that travelling is for everyone, human beings are, to a certain extent, naturally nomadic people, historically moving from one geographical region to another for any number of reasons.

Back in the 1800s, the Grand Tour was all the rage with the upper classes, the final stage in an adolescent’s worldly education. Nowadays, the relatively cheaper cost of tickets for any mode of transportation means that anyone can hop on a plane, boat, train, or car in a heartbeat and be in a completely different time-zone in a few hours. If nothing else, it’s a celebration of the wonderful advancements in technology that allow for all this to happen!

And, at the end of the day, seeing how others live their lives can also help you cherish your own more. Nothing will make you appreciate coming back to your home sweet home than a long trip away from it all.

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