Modern Holkham Classic Sculpture – Copy Of The Empress Salonina

Minimum Donation €970.00

Holkham Classic Sculpture – Copy of The Empress Salonina. Masterminded by Sarah, Countess of Leicester, Holkham Classic Sculptures is a range of highly finished, full-size plaster copies of some of the antique marbles which form part of the fabulous Roman statuary collection at Holkham Hall in Norfolk, UK. This is just one which is perfect for display and will ‘age’ over time. It is heavy! Reproduced from the Holkham marble purchased in Rome from the Palazzo Bernini by Matthew Brettingham for Thomas Coke, together with a bust of Aelius Verus, for 100 crowns H:71 x W:48 x D:44cm.

Only 1 left in stock


Shipped to Holkham Hall in Norfolk, England on 2nd February 1754, the original was described by Brettingham as a good antique bust of Empress Salonina. Salonina Augusta was the wife of the Emperor Galienus, who ruled Rome from AD253 until 268, when they were both murdered at the siege of Mediolanum (Milan). Followers of the philosopher Plotinus, they proposed the creation of a city of philosophers near to Rome. Salonina’s sons, Valerian II and Saloninus both succeeded Galienus as Emperor New and donated in aid of Save The Valletta Skyline Appeal. Further sculptures are available from Holkham Hall at the usual price of €1,600